Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top 13 Time Sucking Websites

For those of us who have decided this summer to lose contact with the outside world and instead practice becoming one with the computer, below are 13 time-sucking websites to begin with.

1. Formspring
Formspring is a website that allows you to ask your friends or maybe even just random people questions (anonymously if you so choose) about themselves. If you have an account, you can also answer questions that people ask you. What makes this site so addicting is that, well, don't we all wonder what people are wondering about us?

2. Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary is pretty much exactly what it sounds like it is. It's a dictionary of urban slang, with the definitions and terms contributed by the website’s readers. So whenever you’re wondering what it is your friends just said but are too embarrassed to actually ask them, you can just look it up yourself on this handy website. You can easily find yourself lost in a world of wonder as you read up on random slang that you’ve come across.

3. YouTube
YouTube is a place for us to watch videos that people have uploaded. What makes it so addicting is that you can find pretty much anything uploaded on this site – from video blogs to music to a part of your favourite TV show episode. You could definitely lose hours to this site if you let yourself do so.

4. Robot Unicorn Attack
The object of Robot Unicorn Attack is to get your unicorn as far as it can go just by running, jumping, and dashing through big stars. You will lose a lot of time trying to beat your last score, not to mention getting lost in the calming music that plays in the background of this fun game.

5. E-Tard
E-Tard is pretty much just some guy who is on a webcam for all hours of the day. You can communicate with him and he will respond. What makes E-Tard so addicting is that it can be surprisingly fascinating to keep on checking his live webcam stream to see what he's up to. My friends have spent hours with this guy.

6. Wikipedia
Wikipedia is a site where people can post information on many topics. It's the site our teachers have warned us not to use for school research, but we still can't help but check it. Even if it's a vague idea on a topic, we still want to know what it is. I myself have lost hours reading about random topics on Wikipedia!

7. Addicting Games
Addicting Games is a website that has over 1,000 games on its website. With all these games combined with a curious gaming mind, I can't help but try a whole bunch of them, and kill a lot of time while doing just that.

8. Google
Google may be “just” a search engine, but it can still be an addicting and time-sucking website. For someone who is bored and wants to kill time, Google will help you do a search on any topic you can think about on the Internet. As a result of playing around on Google, you may even find websites just like the ones listed here that will continue to consume your time.

9. Habbo Hotel
Habbo Hotel is somewhat of a social networking site, but it’s also still just a game – albeit, a massive multiplayer online game. Essentially, you create an avatar and go around visiting people's rooms. What makes Habbo Hotel so addicting is the social networking aspect of the game – you end up meeting so many new people that you just keep coming back for more.

10. Newgrounds
Newgrounds is a site full of cartoons and games that you can play. However, some of these are intended for a more mature audience (and they are sure to give you a rating on it before you play or watch) so some caution is necessary. However, you’re sure to have lots of laughs and lots of fun playing games and watching cartoons on this website.

11. Facebook
Facebook is the popular social networking site that allows you to find and keep in touch with old and new friends. This site becomes truly time-sucking though when you find yourself consumed by the games, quizzes and other random pages that Facebook provides, on top of just keeping track of what all your friends are doing.

12. Twitter
Twitter is another big time-sucking social networking site that allows you to post your thoughts to everyone. With various celebrities following this craze, you are not just limited to your friends, but you can even follow the random thoughts of your favourite stars! Stars that have jumped on this bandwagon include Justin Bieber, Ashton Kutcher, Kim Kardashian, and many more! Soon you’ll find yourself hooked to following people like crazy, and maybe even start posting your own random tweets.

13. Tumblr
Last but not least, Tumblr is a blogging website that lets you, well, blog. For those of us interested in reading or writing blogs, this can prove to be a very addicting website.

I do AGREE with everything stated above. :)

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