Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This will only take about 3 short minutes of your time to read. 
You will get so much out of it in such a short amount of time. 

History Class 
I'm guessing that for a lot of you, this isn't your favorite class. Correct? 
Well, it wasn't my favorite either... until today. 

I came into class today, not in a particularly good mood. 
The teacher said that we won't be doing on our projects that we've been working on lately. 
He said that instead, we will be doing an 'exercise' that he thinks will enjoy. 

He began with telling us a true story. It went like this; 
When my teacher's wife was in high school, there was a freshman that didn't have any friends. 
You know, the loser of the grade. 
He was short, fat, and had some acne problems; overall, not very pleasant to look at. 
Kids would make fun of him constantly
One day at his locker, he was putting his books away and some boys came over and start making fun of him. 
Suddenly, he collapsed, not moving or breathing. 
The ambulance came and he was pronounced dead
They conducted an autopsy which showed that nothing was wrong with him. 
He had died of a broken heart. 
He couldn't take being made fun of every day so his soul decided it was enough. 
The only people that came to his funeral were his parents, and the members of the student council to represent the school. 
If someone was nice to him and talked to him just once, it might of saved his life. 

The activity we did was one that I will never forget. 
The teacher started out by handing a piece of lined paper to all of the kids in the class, including him, and instructed us to write our name on the top of it. 
He told us that the papers would be passed up and down the rows of desks. 
We were to write one honest and kind compliment to that person on his/her paper. 
He put some music on and shut off the lights. 
We spent a good 25 minutes not talking; just being nice and writing compliments to every person in the class. 
When we got our papers back, they were all FILLED with nice and encouraging compliments. 
Everyone was smiling. 
People were talking with people they usually don't even say hello to. 
It was a truly amazing and memorable experience. 
I, along with probably everyone else in the class, was in a great mood for the rest of the day. 

Last period in science class, which consists of many students in my history class, something strange happened. 
We had just finished taking a quiz. 
The teacher was fast enough to correct them right then and there. 
She said that with one exception, no body failed and all of them were A's and B's. 
She read out loud the people's names that got a 100. 
4 people got a 100. Out of those 4, 3 of them, are in my history class. 
Almost everyone else in my history class who is also in my science class got an A. 

Some might call it a coincidence, but I think it is the result of the exercise we did in history. 
It boosted everyone’s self-confidence and taught us 
how powerful words really are and how they can change lives. 

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